Aglae Core : Sourcing, Matching, Qualification.

For each recruitment, source, identify, and qualify at least one motivated, competent and available candidate in less than an hour.
An AI-powered virtual assistant for recruiters that pre-qualifies a high volume of candidates and continuously updates the database with fresh data.
Alpha is a personal and dedicated conversational agent, configured for each recruiter.
Aglae Alpha allows for ongoing conversations and continuous prequalification of candidates.
Aglae Alpha interacts with hundreds of thousands of candidates every day.
The objective of Matching is to maximize candidate prequalification performance.
Matching is more than algorithms—it’s about performance, which hinges on:
- Refreshed candidate database (Continuously refine each profile through AI conversations and enhanced availability insights)
- Transparency for the recruiter
- Fair & unbiased assessments
The custom prequalification in natural and preferred language depends on job offer & candidate data and previous interactions
Each candidate prequalification, enriches candidate profile based on interactions

Aglae AI is integrated with ATS solutions (ie. Bullhorn)
Aglae Suite – Monitor AI performance.
We are not just any AI. Our AI is designed specifically for recruiters, and we care genuinely about our users.
An all-in-one for performance & positive experience

- Responsible AI & positive candidate experience
- Proper use by recruiter for performance: adoption, performance & cost optimization
Some examples of Suite products:
Aglae Care: Detection of deviations (positive, negative, and to be monitored) to enhance candidate experience
Aglae Coach: Job offer assessment, advice on criteria and prequalification volumes
Aglae Support: Usage assistance, problem resolution, on-demand advice
Aglae Insight: Performance and usage metrics, costs analysis, performance explanations
Aglae Training Center: Celebrating achievements, training sessions, Sharing good practices